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Invest in the youth of Orange County.


Select your investment amount.

See how you can make a difference today.

Invest Your Best

A Boys & Girls Club Membership for one young person is only $125 per year. This gives them invaluable access to a wide range of after-school activities and programs. The costs to serve them far exceeds the membership fee and many are fully sponsored because of the investment of members in the community like you. The advantage you give them is incredible. In fact, the average Boys & Girls Club member is…

  • Less likely to drop out of school

  • More likely to attend college

  • Less likely to have negative police contact

  • More likely to abstain from drugs and sexual activity

Even so, our youth members have a 99% high school graduation rate! We need your help to serve more youth in Orange County and to serve our current members even better. Will you help us? Make your tax-deductible investment today!

Yes, I'll Invest in Our Youth

Serving OC youth in three great locations:

San Juan Capistrano
1 Via Positiva
SJC, CA 92675
(949) 240-7898

Aliso Viejo
24671 Via Iglesia
AV, CA 92656
(949) 699-2552

Rancho Santa Margarita
22232 El Paseo
RSM, CA 92688
(949) 709-7595 ext. 1280


"There are lots of good reasons to give back and invest in these young people, but seeing the smile on their faces and hearing the stories from their positive experiences at Boys & Girls Club is pure joy for me. It’s the best feeling is all that I can tell you."

— Steve S.


"I wouldn’t know where I would be without the club. Every event that we had, the staff was there to push me to go out of my comfort zone. Anything that I needed, the club, honestly, had for me. I had a chance to explore what kind of leadership skills I had within me that have now helped me in my professional career."

— Kayla H.

Yes, I'll Invest in Our Youth